For more information or registration
How to register ? When are the school holidays at the École Française de Bâle ? What are the tuitions and registration fees ? What financial support can you get ?
The EFDB is growing
A 6th grade (6eme) has been created and new students are welcome. A broad range of projects are being led in parallel and our community is welcome to help.
Discover the French School of Basel
Founded in 1884, the Ecole Française de Bâle (French School of Basel) was the first French school created abroad. It welcomes your children from 3 months to 12 years old. Located on two sites, our school consists of a daycare, a preschool & kindergarten section (maternelle) and an elementary section. The only school approved by the Agence de l’ Enseignement Français à l’ Etranger (AEFE) in the canton, our school is also controlled by the Basle City Ministry of Education and the Strasbourg Academy. Through our quality of teaching and our openness to the world, we offer an international audience access to French culture and its educational model.
Our association
Ecole Française de Bâle is a private and associative institution. Through all its actions, our institution aims to be the benchmark in French-speaking and secular education in Basel.

Parents follow the evolution of their children. They can participate in the life of the school through the School Council.

School Principal and Educational Team
The School Principal and the educational team monitor the teaching and ensure that the pedagogical organization is up to date and consistent.

Management Committee
The Management Committee is actively committed to managing and supporting the school.
Our objectves
+ Offer an education based on human values and allow your children to :
• learn respect and live in a group
• develop trust in themselves and be aware of progress made
• open to the world and build a challenging mindset
+ Reinforce the learning of the French language
+ Develop linguistic competencies thanks to weekly German and English classes
+ Initiate your children to diverse artistic activities in order to open up to arts
Our mission
+ Welcome French expatriate and non French-peaking children living in Basel and around
+ Teach the official programme of the French National Education
+ Promote cultural and linguistic openness (French, German, English)
The French School of Basel is a school partnering with the AEFE (Agence pour l’Enseignement Francais a l”etranger – Agency for the French Schools Abroad). It is attached to the Central and Eastern European Zone pf the AEFE. (

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