Legal notices
Contact address
Dornacherstrasse 192
4053 Basel
Exclusion of liability
The author assumes no guarantee for the accuracy, precision, speed, reliability or completeness of the information.
The author expressly reserves the right to change, supplement, delete or temporarily or permanently discontinue the publication of parts of the site or the entire offer without special notice.
Responsibility for links
References and links to third-party sites are outside our area of responsibility. We disclaim any responsibility for such sites. Access to and use of such sites is at the user’s own risk.
Data protection
In accordance with Article 13 of the Swiss Federal Constitution and the data protection provisions of the Swiss Confederation (Data Protection Act, DPA), everyone has the right to the protection of his privacy and to the protection of the misuse of his personal data. We respect these provisions. Personal data is treated with the utmost confidentiality and is neither sold nor passed on to third parties.
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